Sending Specimens for Laboratory Testing to the
UPMC Charles T. Campbell Ophthalmic Microbiology Laboratory
Quick Links
Lab Requisition | CPT Codes| Specimen Collection Manual
The following must be submitted:
- A completed laboratory requisition. Include the doctor’s office phone and fax numbers. Quick link: Lab Requisition
- Patient demographics and insurance information must accompany all specimen submissions.
- Ensure the patient’s insurance is accepted by UPMC. You may need to obtain Insurance Authorization prior to laboratory testing submission. Quick Link: CPT Codes
- Specimen requirements:
- Label each specimen with the patient name and second identifier (ex/ date of birth).
- Bacterial/Fungal/Gram stain/Giemsa Stain specimens can be sent at room temp.
- Viral/Chlamydia/PCR samples should be sent on ice.
- Acanthamoebae culture/PCR specimens should be sent on ice.
Packaging Specimens:
Diagnostic specimens can be easily delivered through couriers and public mail with a few simple requirements as mandated by federal law. These samples must be double-sealed to prevent any leakage of sample. A proper amount of desiccant to absorb any leakage due to damage should also be packed within the double-sealed specimen. The sample should be marked to indicate that the package is a diagnostic specimen.
For example, a corneal specimen collected on a soft-tipped applicator and placed in a plastic tube (transport sleeve, culturette (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, MD), wrapped in a paper towel, enclosed in a sealable vinyl zip-locked bag, placed in a bubble mailer addressed to the laboratory, and marked as “Diagnostic Specimen (Not Restricted) – Packed in Compliance with IATA Packing Instructions 650,” would be a properly sent diagnostic sample.
Send specimen package by courier/mail to:
UPMC Presbyterian Microbiology Department
3477 Euler Way, 6th floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Please call the lab with any questions (412) 647-7211
