
OMIG, Abstract 4
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A 12-year Retrospective PCR Testing Study of Ocular Specimens for Chlamydia, HSV, Adenovirus, and VZV.
R.P. Kowalski, P.P. Thompson
Charles.T. Campbell Ophthalmic Microbiology Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Purpose: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a definitive tool to diagnose viral and chlamydial infections of the conjunctiva , cornea, and internal eye. We report our findings of routine PCR testing from a dedicated ophthalmic microbiology laboratory for chlamydia and viruses.
Methods: In retrospect, the laboratory daily log records of virology were tabulated without identifiers from January, 1997 to July 2009 for PCR testing to Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Herpes simplex virus (HSV), adenovirus (ADV), and varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The PCR data was compared directly to cell-culture and shell vial (ADV, HSV [ELVIS]) isolation.
Results: Based on p=0.05 significance (Chi Square): for CT, PCR was the only test; for HSV, PCR > Culture > ELVIS; for ADV, Culture > PCR = Shell Vial; and, for VZV, PCR > Culture.
Agent–Year Tested (+)PCR-% (+)Culture-% (+) Shell Vial-%
CT-1997 510 33-6.5% Not tested Not tested
HSV-2001 830 89-10.7% 56-6.97% 40-4.9% (ELVIS)
ADV – 2001 884 127-14.4% 147-16.6% 124-14.0%
VZV – 2001 204 46-22.5% 3 of 129-2.3% Not Tested
Conclusions: Based on our laboratory experience, PCR is more definitive than other testing for CT, HSV, and VZV, but cell-culture isolation is still necessary to confirm negative PCR testing for ADV.
Disclosure Code: N

