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2023 OMIG Abstract
Conjunctival Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography is Associated with Ocular Redness and Corneal Dendritic Cells in Ocular Surface Disease
William W. Binotti1,2, and Pedram Hamrah1,2
1New England Eye Center, Tufts Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA;
2Center for Translational Ocular Immunology, Boston, MA
Purpose: Determine vascular parameters through optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) imaging to assess inflammation in ocular surface disease.
Methods: Total of 25 eyes of 25 patients were included. OCTA conjunctival measurements (vessel density, diameter and tortuosity) were correlated to confocal corneal dendritic cell density (DCD) and slit-lamp validated bulbar redness (VBR) grading at the same visit as surrogates of ocular surface inflammation. Nasal and temporal conjunctiva were averaged per eye for analysis.
Results: Thirteen eyes of 13 patients with dry eye disease, 2 eyes of 2 patients with acute herpetic keratitis, 10 eyes of 10 patients with non-acute herpetic keratitis were assessed. Mean age was 60.3±11.4 years with 17 females (68.0%). Mean VBR grading was 2.8±1.0 [1-5] and mean DCD was 131.3±93.9 cells/mm3 [12.5-385.4]. Mean OCTA vessel density, vessel diameter index, and tortuosity index were 44.6±5.1% [35.2-54.8], 5.4±0.2 [4.9-5.8] and 1.8±0.1 [1.6-1.8], respectively. Only conjunctival vessel density showed a significant correlation to VBR grading (r=0.539, p=0.005) and to central corneal DCD (r=0.553, p=0.004).
Conclusions: OCTA conjunctival vessel density is a novel non-invasive surrogate for ocular surface inflammation in the clinical setting.
P (Binotti, Hamrah: Systems and Methods for Determining Tissue Inflammation Levels); C (Hamrah: Heidelberg Engineering)
Support: Dompe
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