The Charles T. Campbell Eye Microbiology Lab
UPMCUniversity of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
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Ocular Microbiology and Immunology Group (OMIG)

Main Page

OMIG logo

OMIG Contact information:
c/o UPMC Vision Institute
UPMC Mercy
5th Floor; Room 5.343
1622 Locust Street
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
United States
Phone: 412-301-3202




OMIG Board Members

Phillips Thygeson Lectures

Harry Hirsch Leiter Awardees

OMIG Commercial Relationships Policy



2024 OMIG Meeting

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Westin Michigan Avenue Chicago
909 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL

Meeting in Chicago Ballroom (16th floor)
Business Lunch in Huron Room (2nd floor)


Online Membership Dues / Meeting Registration

Mail-in Membership Dues / Meeting Registration

Meeting Invitation Letter

2024 Abstract Form
[Abstract Submission Deadline: July 26, 2024


OMIG thanks the following companies for help in funding
the costs of the 2023 meeting:

Unrestricted Educational Grants:

Thea Pharma, Inc
Sun Pharmaceutial Industries, Inc.

OMIG gives Special Recognition to:
The Leiter Family for establishing and continuing
the Harry Hirsch Leiter Award for best paper

View Previous OMIG Meetings Abstracts:

2023 Abstracts 2023 Meeting, November 3, 2023, San Francisco, CA [Link to: 2023 OMIG Annual Meeting]
2022 Abstracts 2022 Meeting, Sept 30, 2022, Chicago, IL [Link to: 2022 OMIG Annual Meeting]
2022 Abstracts 2022 Meeting, Sept 30, 2022, Chicago, IL [Link to: 2022 OMIG Annual Meeting]
2021 Abstracts 2021 Meeting, Nov 12, 2021, New Orleans, LA [Link to: 2021 OMIG Annual Meeting]
2020 Abstracts 2020 Meeting, Nov 13, 2020, Virtual [Link to: 2020 OMIG Annual Meeting]
2019 Abstracts 2019 Meeting, Oct 11, 2019, San Francisco, CA
2018 Abstracts 2018 Meeting, Oct. 26, 2018, Chicago, IL
2017 Abstracts 2017 Meeting, Nov. 10, 2017, New Orleans, LA
2016 Abstracts
2016 Meeting, Oct. 14, 2016, Chicago, IL
2015 Abstracts 2015 Meeting, Nov. 13, 2015, Las Vegas, NV
2014 Abstracts 2014 Meeting, Oct. 17, 2014, Chicago, IL
2013 Abstracts 2013 Meeting, Nov. 15, 2013, New Orleans, LA
2012 Abstracts 2012 Meeting, Nov. 9, 2012, Chicago, IL
2011 Abstracts 2011 Meeting, Oct. 21, 2011, Orlando, FL
2010 Abstracts 2010 Meeting, Oct. 15, 2010, Chicago, IL
2009 Abstracts
2009 Meeting, Oct. 23, 2009, San Francisco, CA
2008 Abstracts
2008 Meeting, Nov. 7, 2008,
Atlanta, GA
2007 Abstracts 2007 Meeting, Nov. 9, 2007, New Orleans, LA
2006 Abstracts
2006 Meeting, Nov. 10, 2006, Las Vegas, NV

2005 Abstracts 2005 Meeting, Oct. 15, 2005, Chicago, IL
2004 Abstracts 2004 Meeting, Oct.. 23, 2004, New Orleans, LA
2003 Abstracts 2003 Meeting, Nov. 15, 2003, Anaheim, CA
2002 Abstracts 2002 Meeting, Oct.19, 2002, Orlando, FL
2001 Abstracts 2001 Meeting, Nov.10, 2001, New Orleans, LA

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