
OMIG Abstracts
36th Annual Meeting
Oct. 19, 2002
7:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Radisson Hotel Universal Orlando
Orlando, FL
Main Page | 2002
Abstracts | 2001
- Will
The Fourth-generation Fluoroquinolones Provide Any Advantage in
The Future Treatment of Bacterial Keratitis?
R.P. Kowalski, L.M.Karenchak, E.G. Romanowski, F.S. Mah, D.C.
Ritterband*, Y.J. Gordon. The Charles T. Campbell Lab, University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, *New York Eye & Ear Infirmary,
- Comparative
efficacy of topical gatifloxacin, a new fluoroquinolone, versus
topical ciprofloxacin, penicillin G and tobramycin in the treatment
of experimental S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa keratitis in rabbits.
Myung-Jin Joo M.D., Elias Aliprandis M.D., Terrence P. O'Brien
M.D. Ocular Microbiology Laboratory, The Wilmer Eye Institute,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
- Susceptibility
of Ocular Isolates to Gatifloxacin and Older Fluoroquinolones
Monica Monica, MD1; Harold Jensen, PhD2;
The Allergan Gatifloxacin Study Group2 1Private
Practice, New Orleans, LA; 2Allergan
- Postantibiotic
Effect of Ciprofloxacin and Ofloxacin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa
RM Gander, PV Berkley and JP McCulley. UT Southwestern Med.
Ctr., Dallas,TX.
- Can
Topical Ocular Antibiotics Induce Systemic Resistance?
Bruce Gaynor,1,2 Vicky Cevallos,1Yinghui
Miao,1 Elizabeth Yi,1 Hem Jha,3
Ramesh Bhattta,3 JSP Chaudary,3
John Whitcher,1,2 Susan Osaki-Holm,1
Alicia Fry,4 and Tom Lietman1,2
1F.I. Proctor Foundation and the 2Department
of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, 3Geta
Eye Hospital, Geta, Nepal, 4Respiratory Diseases Branch,
Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, Centers For Disease
Control, Atlanta Georgia
- Methicillin
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infectious Keratitis Following
Refractive Surgery
Renee Solomon, MD,1 Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD,1
Michael Ehrenhaus, MD,2 Henry D. Perry, MD,1
Seth Biser, MD,1 Roy Rubinfeld, MD3
1Department of Ophthalmology, Nassau University Medical
Center, East Meadow, New York, 2Department of Ophthalmology,
Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens, New York, 3Center
for Sight, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
- Fluoroquinolone
Therapy of Multiple Drug-Resistant Staphylococcal Keratitis after
Lamellar Keratectomy
Peter J. McDonnell, MD1,2; Tulaya Tungsiripat, MD1;
Melvin A. Sarayba, MD1; Matthew B. Kaufman, MD1;
Paula M. Sweet, MT1; Mehran Taban, BS1;
Thomas R. Carpenter, DVM, PhD3
1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California
Irvine, Irvine, CA; 2Doheny Eye Institute, Keck School
of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
3Department of Safety Evaluation, Allergan, Inc., Irvine,
- Prophylaxis
of Streptococcus Pneumoniae keratitis with Gatifloxacin in a Rabbit
Robert S. Donnenfeld,1 Jonathan J. Stein, MD,1
Harold G. Jensen, PhD,2 Henry D.Perry, MD,1
Renee Solomon, MD,1 Robert Snyder, MD,3
John Wittpenn, MD1
1Department of Ophthalmology, Nassau University
Medical Center, East Meadow, NY, 2Allergan Pharmaceutical,
Irvine, CA, 3University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
- Diffuse
Lamellar Kerititis: Can Fluoroquinolones Be a Cause?
FS Mah, DK Dhaliwal, EG Romanowski, KA Yates, YJ Gordon. Charles
T. Campbell Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
- The
In Vitro Susceptibility of Bacterial Endophthalmitis Isolates
to Azithromycin
R. Mather, R.P. Kowalski, J.P.Whitcher. The Charles T. Campbell
Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, PA and The Francis I Proctor
Foundation, University of California, San Francisco, CA
- Increased
Risk of Endophthalmitis in Clear Cornea Cataract Surgery
Snyder, RW M.D., Ph.D., Nedrud, Chad M.D., Twelker, Dan O.D.,
University of Arizona Department of Ophthalmology
- Will
the new generation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics become the antimicrobials
of choice in endophthalmitis prophylaxis? M. Shah, D. Ritterband,
A. Dingley, R. Koplin, J. Seedor. The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary,
New York, NY.
- An
Outbreak of Pneumococcal Conjunctivitis on a College Campus
P. Sanchez,1 A Bashir,1 J Turco,1
J Pryor,1 J Schwartzman,1 M Martin,2
C Whitney,2 M Zegans1
1Dartmouth Medical School, 2CDC
- Broth
Based Culture Systems For The Isolation of Acid Fast Mycobacterium
Causing Ocular Infections
D. Ritterband, M. Shah, A. Terraciano, A. Dingley, J. Pelletier,
T. Raviv, J. Seedor. The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York,
New York.
- Comparative
efficacy of topical Gatifloxacin with fortified Amikacin, Clarithromycin,
and Ciprofloxacin in the treatment of experimental Mycobacterium
chelonae keratitis in an experimental rabbit model
Joon-Young Hyon M.D., Myung-Jin Joo M.D., Terrence P. O'Brien
Ocular Microbiology Laboratory, The Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Comparison
of Clinico-Microbiological Features in Smear Positive and Smear
Negative cases of Microbial Keratitis
Savitri Sharma, Mukesh Taneja, Anjall Upponi, Prashant Garg, Usha
Gopinathan, Nibaran Gangopadhyay, Rishitha Nutheti. LV Prasad
Eye Institute, Hyderabad, lndia
- Unusual
Plaque Presentation of Dematiaceous Fungal Keratitis : A Clinical
and Histopathologic Study
Prashant Garg, MD, Geeta K. Vemuganti, MD, Samrat Chatarjee, MD,
Usha Gopinathan, PhD, Rishita Nutheti, MSc, Gullapalli N. Rao,
L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, L.V. Prasad Marg, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad
- 500 034.
- HAART-Mediated
Long-term Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Quiescence
Robert J. Campbell, MD MSc, Elizabeth C. Lowcock, William G. Hodge,
University of Ottawa Eye Institute, Ottawa Ontario Canada
- The
In Vitro Evaluation of the New Antimicrobial Agent N-Chlorotaurine
(NCT) Against Ocular Isolates of Adenovirus
EG Romanowski1, KA Yates1, B Teuchner2,
M Nagl2, W Gottardi2, RP Kowalski1,
FS Mah1, YJ Gordon1.
1The Charles T. Campbell Laboratory, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2University of Innsbruck,
Innsbruck, Austria.
- The
Charles T. Campbell Laboratory Web Site: An Information Center
for Ophthalmic Microbiology and The OMIG Organization
Lisa M. Karenchak (Webmaster), Regis P. Kowalski, Eric G. Romanowski,
Francis S. Mah, Jerold S. Gordon, The Charles T. Campbell Laboratory,
The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
