
OMIG, Abstract 1
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the Optimal Treatment of Group B Streptococcal Keratitis: An Animal
Model- JC Liu MD P Patel BA, GW Zaidman MD, JM Kurilec, MD, AE Aguero
MD, K Juechter MD; New York Medical College, Dept of Ophthalmology,
Dept of Pathology
PURPOSE: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is an uncommon
yet devastating ocular microbial infection. We created an animal
model of GBS keratitis to investigate the optimal topical antibiotic
A 3-stage experiment was designed. Stage 1 tested in-vitro sensitivity
of GBS to gatifloxacin 0.3% (GAT), moxifloxacin 0.5% (MOX), ciprofloxacin
0.3% (CIP), sulfacetamide 10% (SULF), fortified vancomycin 50mg/ml
(VANC), fortified cefazolin 50mq/ml (CEF), and balanced salt solution
(BSS). Stage 2 involved a rabbit model where 14 corneas of 14 New
Zealand white (NZW) rabbit eyes were inoculated with 103
CFU of GBS. After 7 hours the rabbits where randomly divided into
5 groups and treated by the favorable antibiotics from Stage 1 (CEF,
MOX, GAT, and VANC) with BSS as the control. Rabbits received topical
treatment over 7 days with the schedule: q 15min x 1 hr q 1 hr x
36 hrs, q 2 hrs x 72hrs, and q 6 hrs x 36 hrs. Rabbit eyes were
evaluated daily on a score of 0 to 4+ regarding 5 parameters: discharge,
conjunctival injection corneal infiltrate, staining, and neovascularization.
On day 7, the animals were euthanized and the eyes enucleated and
sent for pathologic examination. Using the same animal model, Stage
3 compared the 2 most favorable topical antibiotics from Stage 2
outcomes (CEF and MOX) and BSS as the control. 12 corneas of 12
NZW rabbit eyes were inoculated and treated with the same protocol
as in Stage 2. The animals were euthanized and the eyes enucleated
following 7 days of treatment.
RESULTS: In Stage 1, the in-vitro sensitivity of
GBS was CEF > MOX > GAT > CIP> VANC and resistant to
SULF and BSS. In Stage 2, all VANC treated eyes had significant
discharge through day 5 and developed keratitis and central ulcers.
Controls developed hypopyons and severe infiltrates with corneal
neovascularization. Overall clinical efficacy was CEF = MOX >
GAT > VANC > BSS. Stage 3 showed no clinical difference between
MOX and CEF regarding discharge, staining, and neovascularization.
Corneal infiltrates and inflammation cleared
up slightly earlier in MOX vs CEF, but by day 7 both groups demonstrated
almost complete resolution.
Based on our results we conclude that CEF and MOX are equivalent
for the best treatment of GBS keratitis. Due to its readily available
preparation we recommend MOX as the initial treatment of choice
for GBS keratitis.
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