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2014 OMIG Abstract 15

Detection and Prevalence of Adenoviral Conjunctivitis in Hospital Employees Using Real-time PCR as an Infection Prevention Tool
Irene C. Kuo, MD; Colleen Espinosa, RN, BS; Michael Forman, BS; Miriana Pehar, RN;
Lisa Maragakis, MD, MPH; Alexandra Valsamakis, MD, PhD

Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

Purpose: To devise a practice algorithm that would quickly detect and appropriately evaluate and furlough hospital employees with adenoviral conjunctivitis in order to prevent healthcare-associated epidemic keratoconjunctivitis.

Methods: Employees with signs and symptoms consistent with adenoviral conjunctivitis underwent evaluation by nurse practitioners in Occupational Health and rapid diagnostic testing by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Results: Analysis of Occupational Health records over a 32-month period demonstrated approximately 20% of initial employee visits were due to unique, eye-related complaints. Viral conjunctivitis was suspected in 478/771 (62%) of employees with eye complaints; adenovirus was detected by PCR in 37/478 (8%) of suspected viral conjunctivitis cases and 37/771 (5%) of employees with any eye concern. Eight of the 37 employees had adenoviral genotypes consistent with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. No healthcare-associated adenoviral conjunctivitis outbreaks occurred after PCR-based algorithm implementation, and fewer employees required furlough compared to clinical diagnosis alone.

Conclusions: The algorithm appears to be an effective infection prevention tool that minimizes productivity loss compared to clinical diagnosis, and allows for determination of prevalence and genotypic characterization of adenoviral conjunctivitis among hospital employees.

Disclosure: None

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