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2014 OMIG Abstract 18

Herpes Simplex Vegetans Presenting as a Conjunctival Lesion: A Case Report
Lena Dixit; Patricia Chevez-Barrios; Alice Matoba
Department of Ophthalmology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

Purpose: To report a case of herpes simplex vegetans presenting as a massive, white, inflammatory conjunctival membrane resembling ligneous conjunctivitis.

Methods: An 8 year old girl presented with a 10 day history of marked inflammation of the left eye, with an enlarging mass of inflammatory material adherent to the conjunctiva. The mass extended clockwise along the limbus from 5 o’clock to 2 o’clock, with involvement of the nasal bulbar conjunctiva. The left nostril was also involved. The process had worsened on treatment with topical prednisolone acetate 1%, applied every 2 hours.

Results:  Serum plasminogen activity was normal. At the time of EUA and conjunctival biopsy, extension into the orbit was noted. Histopathological analysis revealed a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate of the stroma, with perivascular infiltrates. A dense fibrinous mass containing eosinophils and neutrophils was noted.   Desquamated epithelial cells were HSV-1 positive by immunohistochemistry. The pathological diagnosis was herpes simplex vegetans of the conjunctiva. The inflammation resolved with oral acyclovir treatment.

Conclusion:  Herpes simplex vegetans is a rare cause of membranous inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Disclosure:  N

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