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2015 OMIG Abstract 12

Corneal Endothelial Safety in Far Ultraviolet Light (222 nm)  Antimicrobial Ophthalmic Care
J. James Rowsey, MD, Eric Abdullayev, MD, MBA, CEBT, Brad Fouraker, MD, John Michaelos, MD,
S Edward Neister, MS, John Neister, Steve Hudson, MBA, David A Morgan, MS
St. Michaels Eye and Laser Institute, International Sight Restoration Eye Bank, Tampa General Hospital, Healthy Environment Innovations

Purpose:  To determine the corneal  endothelial safety of 222 nm Far Ultraviolet Light on healthy eye bank corneas and correlate this wavelength safety to the antimicrobial activity of known cornea pathogens.
Methods:  Five eye bank eye corneas were placed with the endothelial surface in the collimated path of a 222nm Far UV lamp generator.  Endothelial exposure was created by placing corneas 40 mm from the UV light source for 10, 20, 30, 60 seconds and ten minutes respectively.  Corneal endothelial safety was evaluated by specular microscopy at 3 hours, 24 hours, 5 days, and 6 days post irradiation on each cornea.
Results:  No endothelial toxicity was noted at 10 and 20 seconds of Far UV exposure.  Early endothelial changes were noted at 30 seconds at 24 hours post treatment and at 60 seconds as soon as 3 hours post treatment.  Entire endothelial damage was noted at ten minutes exposure after 24 hours.
Conclusions:  222 nm Far UV light exposure of the cornea is safe for the endothelium at 10 and 20 seconds.  Our prior microbiologic studies have demonstrated 4 log killing of staph aureus, and pseudomonas aeruginosa within 6 seconds of exposure and candida albicans at 20 seconds.  The margin of safety for antimicrobial treatment and the corneal endothelium may be auspicious for  222nm Far UV clinical intervention.

Disclosures: J. James Rowsey C, Eric Abdullayev C, Brad Fouraker N, John Michaelos N, John Neister OP, S Edwrd Neister OP, Steve Hudson OP, David A Morgan C

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