Microbiology and Immunology Group
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OMIG Abstract 15
Diffusion of Moxifloxacin across Corneal Collagen Shields
K.M. Brothers; A.S. Grewal, D.K. Dhaliwal, R.M.Q. Shanks
The Charles T. Campbell Laboratory, UPMC Eye Center, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.
Purpose: To investigate diffusion of moxifloxacin through collagen corneal shields compared to contact lenses.
Methods: Using an in vitro model, the diffusion of moxifloxacin through silicone hydrogel contact lenses and corneal collagen shields was measured. To determine overall moxifloxacin absorption and diffusion, each contact lens and collagen shield was first soaked in PBS for 5 minutes, during which a “skewer” was inserted through the lens or shield for easy transfer, followed by a 10 minute soak in moxifloxacin. Next, the lens or shield was briefly dipped again in PBS for 1 second to remove excess moxifloxacin and transferred to a final volume of PBS in a UV cuvette for spectrophotometric readings. The contact lens and collagen shields were removed from the cuvette during each reading and promptly replaced immediately thereafter. Moxifloxacin release was measured at an absorbance of 293 nm using a spectrophotometer at 30 seconds, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, and 120 minutes. The amount of moxifloxacin was calculated by correlating experimental values to a standard curve.
Results: Diffusion of moxifloxacin was significantly greater from collagen shields than contact lenses at every time point tested.
Conclusions: Our preliminary data indicate collagen shields may be a useful tool for administration of fluoroquinolones to the cornea.
S=Research to Prevent Blindness, Eye and Ear Institute of Pittsburgh, NIH grant EY017271-06A1, NIH grant AI085570, NIH grant EY024785, NIH Core Grant EY08098,
Collagen Shields were kindly donated by Oasis Medical.
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