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OMIG Abstract 2
Seasonal trends of microbial keratitis in South India
C.C. Lin1, L. Prajna2, M. Srinivasan2, N.V. Prajna2, S.D. McLeod1,3, N.R. Acharya,1,3, T.M. Lietman,1,3,4, T.C. Porco,1,3,4
1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California San Francisco, CA, 2Aravind Eye Institute, Madurai, India, 3Francis I. Proctor Foundation, University of California, San Francisco, CA, 4Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco, CA
Purpose: Prior studies suggest that fungal keratitis is more common in hot, humid climates while bacterial keratitis is independent of seasonal variation. This study analyzes seasonal trends in the incidence of fungal and bacterial keratitis at the Aravind Eye Hospital in Southeast India.
Methods: Using microbiology records from August 2006 to July 2009, retrospective analyses of infectious keratitis were performed. Bacterial and fungal keratitis incidence data were analyzed for seasonal patterns.
Results: Among the 6,967 infectious keratitis cases, cultures were performed in 5,221 (74.9%) and positive in 3,028 (43.5%). Of the positive cultures cases, 1,908 (63%) and 1,081 (35.7%) were of fungal and bacterial etiology, respectively. The predominant fungal organism was Fusarium spp (42.3%) and the predominant bacterial organisms were Streptococcus pneumoniae (35.1%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (24.3%), and Nocardia spp (8.1%). Analyses revealed an uneven distribution of fungal keratitis throughout the year (p<0.001) with peaks in July and January. No significant seasonal trend was observed for the combined bacterial keratitis group.
Conclusions: A higher incidence of fungal keratitis occurs during the months corresponding to the windy and harvest seasons, during which time infection from vegetative corneal injury may be more likely. Robust screening efforts during these periods may mitigate visually debilitating sequelae from infectious keratitis.
Support: That Man May See (San Francisco), NIH-NEI 1U10EY018573
Disclosure: N
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