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2011 OMIG Abstract 3

Microbiological profile and role of anterior chamber wash in the diagnosis of microbial keratitis
S. Das1, S. Sharma2, M. Mathews1, S.K. Sahu1
1Cornea & Anterior Segment Service and 2Ocular Microbiology Service,   
L. V. Prasad Eye Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India

Purpose: To report the microbiological profile and usefulness of anterior chamber (AC) wash for etiological diagnosis of microbial keratitis.

Methods: AC fluids of 19 cases of microbial keratitis were submitted for microbiological investigation.

Results: Microscopic examination of anterior chamber exudates was positive for bacteria and fungus in 1 and 4 cases, respectively. Fungus grew in 4 cases in culture while mixed growth of bacteria and fungus was found in 2 cases. Diagnosis based on corneal scraping, done for 9 cases prior to AC wash, included bacterial (n=2), fungal (n=3) and mixed (n=1) infection. Additional diagnosis was made in 6 out of 19 (32%) cases by investigation of AC exudates.

Conclusions: Anterior chamber wash is useful for the diagnosis of microbial keratitis.

Disclosure: N

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