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2012 OMIG Abstract 14

Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia: A Standard of Care Survey
E. Adler, J.R. Turner, D. Stone
University of Oklahoma, Department of Ophthalmology / Dean McGee Eye institute
, Oklahoma City, OK

Purpose: To survey the current management preferences of ocular surface squamous neoplasia by cornea specialists and to compare them to a previous survey performed in 2005.

Methods: An online survey was sent to all members of the Ocular Microbiology and Immunology Group (OMIG) and the Cornea Society. The survey included 15 questions regarding the use of topical monotherapy, type of agent used for monotherapy, surgical techniques and intraoperative adjuvant therapy for different lesion sizes, and follow up.

Results: 81 responses received. 79% believed that there is evidence to support the use of topical agents as monotherapy for OSSN. Preferred first line agent for topical monotherapy was IFN-a in 56%, MMC in 37%  and other in 7%. Regarding all lesion sizes there was a trend towards the use of topical agents either in combination with surgery or as monotherapy when compared to the 2005 survey. This trend was statistically significant regarding lesions < 2mm. Mean size of surgical margins was 2.375mm. 62 % of the responders examine their patients every 3-4 months during the first 2 years.

Conclusions: Despite a trend towards using topical agents in OSSN therapy, for small lesions (< 2 mm) the majority of the responders still prefer excision without a topical agent. For lesions > 2mm the majority of the responders in this survey prefer excision + topical agent or topical agent alone. IFN-a is the preferred agent used for monotherapy, possibly because of better tolerance. MMC is the preferred topical agent used as an adjuvant during surgery.

Disclosure: This research was supported in part by an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness to the University of Oklahoma Department of Ophthalmology

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