Microbiology and Immunology Group
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OMIG Abstract 19
Prevention Of Biofilm On Contact Lens Cases Using Polymeric Material Coating
Prashant Garg, Khatija Tabbasum, PhD; Andrew L Hook, PhD; Morgan R Alexander, PhD
L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India; School of Molecular Medical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Background: Biofilm formation on contact lens cases plays an important role in pathogenesis of contact lens associated microbial keratitis. Hook AL et al identified a group of structurally related materials comprising ester and cyclic hydrocarbon moieties that substantially reduced the attachment of pathogenic bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli). Coating silicone with these ‘hit’ materials achieved up to a 30-fold (96.7%) reduction in the surface area covered by bacteria compared with a commercial silver hydrogel coating in vitro, and the same material coatings were effective at reducing bacterial attachment in vivo in a mouse implant infection model.
Purpose: To assess the efficacy of the hit polymeric material in preventing biofilm formation on contact lens cases.
Method: We developed protocol for biofilm formation on lens cases using both gram positive and gram negative. ATCC and clinical isolates. The polymeric material obtained from the UK partners was coated on lens cases using Air Plasma treatment and dip coating. Biofilm was quantified on coated and uncoated lens cases by crystal volet and MTT assay. In addition gross morphology was analyzed by light and fluorescent microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Results were compared between coated and uncoated lens cases.
Results: MTT analysis showed that coating resulted in significant reduction of biofilm formation. The reduction was more marked for gram-positive organisms (80-90%) compared to gram negative organisms (50-60%). SEM analysis showed reduction in bacterial coverage on polymer coated coupon when compared to uncoated coupon. Reduction in bacterial adhesion varies with the type of bacteria. Reduction in bacterial binding was more in case of Gram-positive bacteria when compared to Gram negative bacteria. SEM results are in concurrence with MTT assay results.
Polymer coating of lens cases can offer an alternative approach for reducing biofilm formation and thereby risk of corneal ulcer complications of contact lens wear. We need to explore possibility of enhancing activity of the polymeric material for its activity against gram-negative organisms.
Financial support: Newton fund a joint grant of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and Medical Research Council, UK
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