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OMIG Abstract 20
Treatment Of Corneal Ulcers With A Novel Far-UV SterilrayTM
Wavelength (222nm) Lamp
John Michaelos, MD1, Brad Fouraker, MD 2, S. Edward Neister 3, John Neister 3, Steve Hudson 3, Capritta Roberts, DO 4, Louis Michaelos, DO 5, and J. James Rowsey, MD 1
1St. Michael’s Eye and Laser Institute, Largo, Florida; 2Brandon Eye Center, Brandon, Florida;
3Ocular Photo Disinfection, LLC, Somersworth, New Hampshire;
4Perich Eye Center, New Port Richey, Florida; 5Larkin Hospital Department of Ophthalmology, Miami, Florida
Purpose: To determine if corneal ulcers can be sterilized by treatment with a novel FAR-UV STERILRAYTM wavelength (222nm) that has been demonstrated efficacious in vitro by killing most known corneal pathogens.
Methods: WIRB approval was obtained for treating 20 patients presenting with corneal ulcers to St. Michaels Eye and Laser Institute, or the Brandon Eye Clinic. The protocol requires the presence of a corneal ulcer without perforation and a life expectancy of over two months. After complete informed consent, cultures were obtained on Blood, Chocolate, Sabouraud’s media, Thioglycollate media and transfer media. Treatment of the corneal ulcer in two patients, to date, was accomplished with 60 seconds of FAR-UV SteriilrayTM (222nm) wavelength light at 3 mW/cm2, (180mJ). Cultures were repeated on the same media after treatment to determine if organisms were eliminated.
Results: A 48 yo male with a history of ROP and loss of his left eye developed a necrotic ulcer of the right eye resistant to topical antibiotics, patching, BCL, and a partial Gunderson flap. FAR UV treatment was applied to the right eye. Cultures immediately prior to treatment grew MRSA and cultures were negative for any organisms after therapy. The ulcer has healed with topical Vancomycin and a BCL following FAR UV therapy. A second patient, a 72 yo female MD with RK surgery 25 years ago, developed a corneal ulcer under her OS CL, with corneal melting at each RK incision. FAR-UV treatment was applied to the LE. Prior to treatment the ulcer grew MRSA and Candida. After treatment cultures were sparsely positive for MRSA, but negative for candida. The patient had three subsequent corneal perforations, all glued, with no ulcer growth of organisms. When her choroidals resolved (high risk of expulsive) a successful PK was performed.
Conclusions: A NOVEL FAR-UV SerilrayTM (222nm) wavelength has demonstrated killing of known corneal bacterial and fungal pathogens in under 20 seconds. Our first two IRB approved culture positive patients with severe corneal ulcers demonstrated no cultured MRSA organisms after FAR UV treatment in one patient and no subsequent growth of candida in the second. This FAR UV modality may prove efficacious in the treatment of corneal infections
Disclosure: Rowsey (C,P,S); Neister ( E,O,P); Hudson (C,O,P)
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